Module 1: Web Development Fundamentals (Week 1-2)
- Introduction to Full-Stack Development
- Understanding Frontend, Backend & Database Management
- Setting up a Development Environment (VS Code, GitHub, Node.js, MongoDB Atlas)
- Introduction to HTML, CSS, JavaScript (ES6+ Features)
- Working with Bootstrap & Tailwind CSS for Responsive UI
Module 2: JavaScript & React Basics (Week 3-4)
- Introduction to JavaScript & ES6+ Concepts
- Understanding DOM Manipulation & Event Handling
- Introduction to React.js & Component-Based Architecture
- Setting up a React Project with Create React App (CRA)
- JSX, Components, Props & State Management
- Handling Forms, Events & Validations in React
- Fetching Data from APIs using Axios
Module 3: Advanced React & State Management (Week 5-6)
- React Hooks (useState, useEffect, useContext, useReducer)
- Global State Management using Redux Toolkit
- Working with React Router for Single Page Applications (SPA)
- Authentication in React: JWT & OAuth Integration
- Handling File Uploads & Image Processing
- Performance Optimization & Debugging in React
Module 4: Introduction to Node.js & Express.js (Week 7-8)
- Introduction to Node.js & Asynchronous Programming
- Understanding Event Loop, Callbacks, Promises & Async/Await
- Setting up Express.js & API Routes
- Working with Middleware & Request Handling
- Implementing CRUD Operations using Express.js
Module 5: Database Management with MongoDB (Week 9-10)
- Introduction to MongoDB & NoSQL Databases
- Setting up MongoDB Atlas for Cloud Database Management
- Understanding MongoDB Collections & Documents
- Performing CRUD Operations in MongoDB
- Working with Mongoose ORM for Schema Design
- Aggregation, Indexing & Performance Optimization
Module 6: Connecting React Frontend with Node.js Backend (Week 11-12)
- Integrating React with Express.js APIs
- Handling CORS & Middleware in Node.js
- Implementing User Authentication with JWT
- Role-Based Access Control & Secure API Handling
- Building Real-Time Features using WebSockets &
Module 7: Deployment & Cloud Integration (Week 13-14)
- Setting up a Production Environment
- CI/CD Pipeline with GitHub Actions & Docker
- Deploying React & Node.js Applications on AWS / Heroku / DigitalOcean
- Database Deployment & Security Best Practices
Module 8: Introduction to DSA & Problem-Solving Techniques (Week 15-16)
- Understanding Time & Space Complexity (Big-O Notation)
- Working with Arrays & Strings
- Sorting & Searching Algorithms (Bubble Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Binary Search)
Module 9: Advanced DSA (Week 17-20)
- Linked Lists (Singly, Doubly & Circular)
- Stacks & Queues
- Trees & Binary Search Trees (BST)
- Graph Algorithms (DFS, BFS, Dijkstra’s Algorithm)
- Recursion & Dynamic Programming (Knapsack, Fibonacci, LCS)
- Solving Competitive Coding Problems
Final Project & Certification
- Capstone Full-Stack Project: Build & Deploy a Scalable Web Application
- Project Submission: Upload project on GitHub & Live Server
- Final Assessment: Multiple-choice exam & coding assignments
- Certification: “Certified MERN Full Stack Developer with DSA”