Week 1: Programming Basics with C#
- Session 1: Introduction to Programming
- Algorithms, flowcharts, and problem-solving.
- Setting up Visual Studio and writing a "Hello World" program.
- Session 2: Variables, Data Types, and Operators
- Integers, Strings, Booleans, arithmetic, and logical operators.
- Session 3: Control Structures
- if-else, switch, loops (for, while).
- Build a number-guessing game.
Week 2: Functions & Error Handling
- Session 1: Functions and Modular Programming
- Parameters, return types, and scope.
- Session 2: Exception Handling
- try-catch-finally, custom exceptions.
- Session 3: Intro to OOP
- Classes vs. objects, properties, methods.
Week 3: OOP with C#
- Session 1: Inheritance & Polymorphism
- Base classes, method overriding, virtual/override keywords.
- Session 2: Encapsulation & Abstraction
- Access modifiers, abstract classes.
- Session 3: Interfaces & Collections
- IEnumerable, lists, dictionaries.
- Design a library management system.
Week 4: Advanced C# Concepts
- Session 1: Delegates, Events, and Lambda Expressions
- Anonymous methods, event-driven programming.
- Session 2: File I/O Operations
- Reading/writing files, serialization.
- Session 3: Mid-Term Project
- Build a student record system using OOP.
Week 5: .NET Core Fundamentals
- Session 1: Introduction to .NET Core
- CLI commands, project structure, dependency injection.
- Session 2: Middleware & Configuration
- Custom middleware, appsettings.json.
- Session 3: Building a Console App
- Create a task scheduler with logging.
Week 6: Databases with Entity Framework Core
- Session 1: Database Basics
- SQL Server setup, CRUD operations.
- Session 2: EF Core Code-First Approach
- Models, migrations, DbContext.
- Session 3: LINQ Queries
- Query syntax vs. method syntax.
Week 7: Final Project
- Final Project: Full-stack app (frontend + database). ______________ Assessments & Certification
- Quizzes: Weekly coding challenges.
- Projects: Mid-term (OOP system) and Final (full-stack app).
- Certification: Awarded upon completing 80% of labs and final project. ______________ Outcome