Module 1: Introduction to Flutter & Dart (Week 1-2)
- What is Flutter & Why is it Popular?
- Setting up Flutter SDK & Dart Environment
- Understanding Flutter Architecture
- Basics of Dart Programming
- Variables, Data Types & Operators
- Functions & Control Flow
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Dart
- Exception Handling & Debugging
Module 2: Building UI with Flutter Widgets (Week 3-4)
- Understanding Widgets & Widget Tree
- Using Stateless & Stateful Widgets
- Working with Text, Images, Buttons & Icons
- Implementing Layouts with Rows, Columns & Flexbox
- Creating Reusable Custom Widgets
- Handling User Input & Forms
- UI Design with Material Design & Cupertino Widgets
Module 3: Navigation & Routing (Week 5-6)
- Navigating Between Screens
- Working with Named Routes & Navigation Stack
- Passing Data Between Screens
- Drawer, Bottom Navigation Bar, and TabBar
- Implementing Dialogs, Alerts & Snackbars
Module 4: State Management in Flutter (Week 7-8)
- Understanding State Management & its Importance
- Using setState() for Local State
- Managing Global State with Provider
- Introduction to Riverpod & Bloc Architecture
- Comparing Different State Management Approaches
Module 5: Working with APIs & Backend Integration (Week 9-10)
- Introduction to RESTful APIs & HTTP Requests
- Fetching Data from APIs using Dio & HTTP Package
- Sending Data to Backend (POST, PUT, DELETE Requests)
- Handling API Responses & Error Handling
- Consuming GraphQL APIs in Flutter
Module 6: Database Management (Week 11-12)
- Understanding Local & Cloud Databases
- Working with SQLite for Offline Storage.
- Using Hive for Lightweight Storage
- Firebase Firestore Database Integration
- Implementing CRUD Operations in Firebase
- Real-time Database with Firebase
Module 7: User Authentication & Security (Week 13-14)
- Implementing User Authentication with Firebase
- Sign-In & Sign-Up with Email & Password
- Google & Facebook Authentication
- Securing API Keys & Sensitive Data
- Implementing JWT Authentication for Secure API Calls
Module 8: Advanced Flutter Features (Week 15-16)
- Working with Camera, Location & Sensors
- Using Animations for Better UI/UX
- Implementing Push Notifications with Firebase
- Background Services & App Lifecycle Management
- Working with Platform Channels for Native Android/iOS Features
Module 9: Testing, Debugging & Optimization (Week 17-18)
- Writing Unit Tests & Integration Tests
- Debugging using Flutter DevTools
- Performance Optimization & Memory Management
- Best Practices for Code Maintainability
Module 10: Deploying Flutter Apps (Week 19-20)
- Preparing Apps for Production
- Generating & Signing APKs & IPAs
- Publishing Apps on Google Play Store & Apple App Store
- Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
Final Project & Certification (Week 21-24)
- Final Project: Full-stack app (frontend + database). ______________ Assessments & Certification
- Quizzes: Weekly coding challenges.
- Projects: Mid-term (OOP system) and Final (full-stack app).
- Certification: Awarded upon completing 80% of labs and final project. ______________ Outcome